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DVA Funding Subsidies

DVA Funding Subsidies 

Hearing loss is common among Veterans, along with Tinnitus. To assist such veterans with their hearing journey, SoundLife Hearing provides several hearing services free of cost to eligible veterans under the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) Funding.  

Who can avail of our services under DVA Funding? 

The veterans who hold either of the following can avail of our services free of cost under DVA Funding- 

  • Veteran White Card- Veterans who hold the Veteran White Card and are being treated for a service-related injury or condition 
  • Veteran Gold Card 

If you are a veteran and unsure about your DVA Funding eligibility, contact us today, and we will help you learn about it and see if you are eligible for it.  

Free Services at SoundLife Hearing under DVA Funding

  • Cochlear Support 
  • Tinnitus Management 
  • Hearing devices and support under the Hearing Services Program
  • Assessments and appointments to evaluate if they have developed service-related hearing loss 
  • Assistive Listening Devices through Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP) 

These are some services we offer free of cost under DVA Funding. If you are eligible for DVA Funding, you can contact us to learn about the other services under DVA Funding Subsidies.  

Tinnitus Program

At SoundLife Hearing, mild Tinnitus and hearing loss can be managed under the Hearing Services Program with fully subsidized hearing devices. However, eligible veterans with severe Tinnitus can access the Tinnitus Program under the DVA Funding. Veterans can access the Tinnitus Program at our clinic if they are not eligible for the Hearing Services Program or have severe Tinnitus. Access to the following is provided free of cost to DVA Funding eligible individuals under the Tinnitus Program- 

  • Clinical evaluation of Tinnitus 
  • Hearing aids empowered with Tinnitus settings
  • Sleep-assisting devices 
  • Treatment provided by qualified audiologists 
  • Specialized counseling by qualified practitioners for Tinnitus management  

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)

We provide Assistive Listening Devices to veterans through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP). Accessories that come under DVA Funding at SoundLife Hearing are-  

  • FM listening systems 
  • Microphones 
  • Streamers transmitting sound from tablets, television or a mobile phone to hearing aids 

Contact Us Today!

SoundLife Hearing is always here to assist you and help you hear better. If you wish to know whether you are eligible for DVA Funding or not, contact us today.
So, if you wish to stop asking people to repeat and get your hearing back to normal, a Hearing Assessment appointment is your first step. Contact our support team today to book your Hearing Assessment.

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We are also committed to serving the community by providing education and outreach programs that promote hearing health and awareness. We believe that by working together, we can improve our community’s overall health and well-being.
