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Hearing Loss And Their Types

Hearing Assessments

Today, Hearing loss is on the rise and affects people of all ages. It can be congenital or acquired and is identified when a person cannot hear as efficiently as an average-hearing person. Hearing loss can be mild, moderate or severe, and when it becomes severe, it becomes deafness.  

Early detection of Hearing loss is essential as it can hinder a person’s personal, professional and social life. Therefore, SoundLife Hearing always recommends getting a Hearing Assessment done as soon as you doubt a Hearing loss.  

What causes Hearing loss?

No single cause can be listed for Hearing loss. However, some of the common causes behind it are-  

  • Diabetes
  • Infections
  • Tumour 
  • Prolonged exposure to loud noises 
  • Injury or trauma caused to the head 
  • Otosclerosis
  • High blood pressure 
  • Meniere’s Disease 
  • Circulatory issues 
  • Strokes 
  • Measles
  • Certain medications 

Symptoms Of Hearing Loss

Identifying and addressing Hearing loss in its early stages is essential for its efficient management. But how will you know when to get a Hearing test done? You must book a hearing assessment visit if you notice any of the below-listed symptoms: 

  • You feel like other people are not speaking clearly and mumbling 
  • Difficulty in hearing clearly at places with background noises 
  • Finding it difficult to hear the TV or communicate over a phone or video call 
  • Unable to hear children’s and women’s voices 
  • Constant ringing or other noises in ears
  • Asking people around you to repeat what they are saying 

Hearing Loss Types

Hearing loss is classified into three basic categories- 

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The damage of the inner ear or the hearing nerve, usually due to damage caused to the hair cells within the cochlea, causes Sensorineural Hearing Loss. It is the most common hearing loss category among the three.  

Sensorineural Hearing loss can be caused due to prolonged exposure to loud noises, disease, injury, aging, or certain medications. It can also be inherited. Typically, hearing aids are used in this condition by the patients as no surgical or medical treatment works for it. 

Conductive Hearing Loss

Another Hearing loss type is Conductive Hearing loss, which occurs in the middle or outer ear. In this condition, the sound waves cannot reach the inner ear due to getting blocked in the way by compacted earwax or the presence of foreign objects in the ear canal. The eardrum might be injured, or the middle ear might be impacted with fluid, bone abnormality or infection.  

Conductive Hearing loss can be reversed using surgical and medical intervention in some individuals. Children usually get this type of hearing loss due to recurring ear infections or the insertion of foreign objects in the ear canal.  

Mixed Hearing Loss

As the name suggests, this is when an individual develops a combination of Sensorineural and Conductive Hearing Loss. In this condition, a person might develop Sensorineural hearing Loss followed by a Conductive Hearing Loss component.  

Test Your Hearing Today!

Early detection of Hearing Loss and the type you have developed is essential to reduce the impacts of Hearing loss. When hearing loss is left unaddressed it may deeply impact a person's personal, social and professional life.

Visit us today to get your Hearing test done if you observe any symptoms of Hearing loss in yourself. The qualified clinicians at SoundLife Hearing will test your hearing and help you with the best solutions.

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We are also committed to serving the community by providing education and outreach programs that promote hearing health and awareness. We believe that by working together, we can improve our community’s overall health and well-being.
